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Fate Setup (Pre-Cracked, Saving Fixed) [Silentwaiting]
Games > PC
164.53 MB

+3 / -1 (+2)

May 13, 2008

Product: Fate from Wild Tangent
Uploader: Silentwaiting
Type: Pre-made, pre-cracked install program


This is my Re-Upload of the other copy of Fate, the other copy was missing some of the very necessary files to save your games. this new copy will now properly do that. (it also contains a started file just in case so that you can create your own file before deleting the started one)

To anyone who downloaded the other version, Please start downloading this version of the torrent and start seeding it as much as you can!!!


This install program will quite simply install the game fate onto your hard drive in a fully functional package. you can chose the full working game + the Bonus Pack or just the Regular version. this is meant to be overly simple... just run the install...then the game!!!

-------------------------------About Fate-----------------------------

Travel to the outskirts where the Old Wood meets the Dungeon Gate in the fabled forest town of Grove.

Beyond this mystic gate,you'll acquire power with unique weaponry and magic spells. Battle creatures that lurk within the dungeon's corridors.

Venture beyond the gate to steal glimpses of glory and fortune. Live to the next century, or look death in its fiery eyes and seek solace in the after-life.

The time has come to take the dare. Rise and test your worth! Step forward and determine Your FATE!

-------------------------------About Fate-----------------------------

-------------------------------Fate Requirments-----------------------------

- Windows 2000, XP, Vista
- 800 MHz PC or better
- 128 MB RAM (256MB for XP, 512MB for Vista)
- 16MB 3D Graphics Accelerator
- DirectX version 8.0 or above
- Mouse & Keyboard

-------------------------------Fate Requirments-----------------------------

I hope you enjoy your Fate!!

Some things that were asked about - Yes, the bonus content pack is included in the package. and also no, the Wild Tangent web driver does not get installed


For those who downloaded the other version, just create a folder called SAVE in the directory where you installed the game.

I had gotten a dif torrent of this and everytime i tried to get to lvl 6 it would close on me ima see if this ones different
This torrent installed like 35 system processes on my comp all sound like trackers WTF MAN!
dude...this does no such thing, don't forget you probably have DLed other torrents that may have been the cause, but i know for a fact that mine is clean. i guarantee it!
We have had the game open twice now, and both times it plays fine, but when we close it, we just get a black screen. Nothing else runnng, after 15 minutes of black screen, even Cont/Alt/Del does not bring up Task Manager, I have had to hard shut down the computer.
The game saved fine, we found out on re-opening, but same thing happened.
Anyone experienced this/have a solution? My daughter loves the game, but I've told her I'll have to uninstall it if it's going to do that!
two things:
- try doing a reinstall
- i had this problem when adjusting my screen resolution, try changing the screen res to another one, it could be that the default screen res is not compatible with your gfx card.
silentwaiting, sorry for the stupid question, is this the FULL version of Fate?
seed plz
n is this the full version
or the demo?
of course!! this is the full version no demos here! and completely webdriver free!
meh... Download speed sucks but I'll help seed once it's done...
Tried this game through WildTangent and really liked it... I just don't think that the game would be long enough to actually pay for...
Thank you Silentwaiting ^_^
I'm very new too this whole process and have too admit this being one of my first downloads I'm a bit concerned about the comments regarding "spyware" and other malichious content. Too be honest I have a very limited virus protection, And generaly I avoid problems by being very carful about what I download. But my daughter just "must" have this game, and rather then fork out $30.00 for a game that she will probly lose interest in by the end of the day like she generaly does... i was in wondering if anyone else has compleated this download and noticed any problems?
Yo silentwaiting... question
when you say precracked do you mean i dont have to crack it?
or if i have to can you give me detailed instructions on how too.
i downloaded fate from another torrent on here and he didnt make much sense...
i have enterd my email add during install but i get no unlock code am i doing something wrong
i hate demos is that all this is?
Downloading now, will comment on quality later
is there a new version for windows 7 ??
Great torrent. Can even be hacked to use the xmod.